Quintax Test – All reports

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Quintax Test – All reports


– Professional Personality Analysis
– Quintax Profile and Type Report
– Leadership Style Report
– Team Role Report

The combination of all four reports offers a holistic, all-round analysis and viewpoint of the candidate’s professional personality and profile, the preferred leadership style and team roles. The reports offer a clear description and translation of the candidate’s behavior and interaction with others on a professional level.



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Professional Personality Analysis

The Profile Chart provides a complete picture of the respondent’s profile along with scores on the Team Role model. This is color graded to illustrate the clarity of the respondent’s preferences on the five factor scales. The five factors are Extraversion, Criticality, Organization, Intellectual Focus and Emotional involvement. The primary purpose is to support 1 to1 oral feedback with the respondent to identify personality preferences and to combine the results with real life examples in behavior at work.

The Type Report takes the poles of the five factors which are closest to the results of the respondent and gives a holistic summary of the typical impact of their responses. This provides a description of the respondent’s preferences and their strength, along with a type pen portrait, strengths, possible development areas and tips for development, with summaries on learning style, time management, and temperament. Further information is provided about the respondent’s type and preferences, and how to understand these and their links with work behavior.

Leadership Development

Transformational leadership is when a leader communicates the vision and inspires the team while at the same time considering individuals. Transactional leaders monitor performance so that they can intervene early on and give feedback and reward appropriately. Passive leadership, which is considered non active, are reactive in monitoring the team and non-interventional to the extent to which they allow others to work unguided and independently. Scores and interpretation are provided on these and on sub-components. A page for the respondent to summarize their conclusions and produce an action plan is provided.

Team Interaction Development

The most successful and high performing teams are those which are diverse. Those which include team members who reflect the whole range of team roles necessary to support team working. Reviewing the balance of preferences within a team will assist in identifying where the team might have strengths and weaknesses. This knowledge can be used to enable the team to either develop processes to ensure that essential team functions are supported or co-opt team members who can deliver those functions. Knowledge of team role preferences can also assist in determining the composition of new teams. The team roles analyzed in this report are those of: Harmonizer, Thinker, Networker, Expert, Evaluator, Finisher, Driver, Deliverer and Organizer.